Terms and conditions

Online Community Social Media Guideline

Like a family, there have to be some healthy boundaries when it comes to communication with each other. Every person can contribute to the success of this group agreeing to apply to healthy respectful rules.

We ask that you please respect the view of others as each one of our comments, opinions, and posts are important. There are some people out there in the world that feel very empowered behind a computer and are either aware/ unaware of how they will affect others through their comments and communications.

Every person is unique and valuable to the What’s in the heaART community, we ask you to be respectful by using supportive language and tone. We welcome you to join but please take consideration to others seriously and join with good intentions.

Everyone wants to be heard and we encourage communication but guidelines have to be put in place to create a respectful communicative group/tribe for the longevity of the Whats in the heART family.

We all learn better with an open mind, so we ask to keep within the boundary of respectful communication with each other. An individual will be deleted or blocked indefinitely from the group if:

    • Inappropriate language is used
    • Abuse towards others or the group is noticed
    • Or a deliberate attitude to provoke an argument with an individual or the group is noticed.


  • Don’t harass, threaten or abuse an individual or the group.
  • Don’t spread hateful or discriminatory comments regarding peoples lifestyle choices or origins including race, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation or political beliefs.
  • Don’t include, links or comments containing sexually explicit content material.
  • Don’t use this platform to discuss unauthorized or illegal activities.
  • Don’t use the site for self-promotion.
  • Don’t post information or links on competing products, services or brands.
  • Don’t include content that is inappropriate, has poor taste, or is not related to the groups best interest or subject.
  • Don’t include any confidential or business information.
  • Don’t try and collect private information without disclosing it.
  • Don’t spam, link bait, add files with viruses that will affect someone’s computer or mobile device.
  • Don’t troll or post comments/ links that will dominate and influence the discussion direction of the group.
  • Don’t use profanity, defamatory, offensive, abusive or violent language.

If you have any questions about the above-listed items of what not to do, please contact info@whatsintheheart.com.au

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